Esther K Smith’s Book Arts Books

How to Make Books
Fold, Cut & Stitch Your Way to a One-of-a-Kind BookOrder Signed Copies (with free gift)
Esther K Smith wrote and co-designed HOW TO MAKE BOOKS.
At Purgatory Pie Press, Dikko Faust hand-set wood and metal display type for the cover, special pages, and chapter openers. Dikko’s type was scanned and the book was produced commercially and published by Random House.

Specimens of Chromatic Wood Type, Borders, &c.
The 1874 Masterpiece of Colorful TypographyOrder Signed book (with free print)
Specimens of Chromatic Wood Type, Borders, &c. is a vintage volume with a cultlike status in the bibliophile, typographic, and design worlds. Originally published as a catalogue for William H. Page’s Connecticut wood type foundry— considered one of the best in the world—this 1874 type specimen book features elaborate display typefaces meant to announce tent revivals and circuses. In addition to the beautifully intricate typefaces and playful designs, the original author designed the pages in such a random sequence that the text reads as humorous and strange experimental poetry. Accidental or not, this beautiful book will delight readers with the humor and the beauty of each print.
This edition reproduces all 102 pages of the original book. A charming gift or perfect addition to any serious art-book library, this volume will be loved by typographers, designers, artists, poets, DIYers, and anyone with a wicked sense of style.

Making Books With Kids
25 Paper Projects to fold, sew,paste, pop, and drawOrder Signed book (with free gift)
Order Spanish Edition via Amazon
Esther Smith wrote and co-designed Making Books With Kids. Dikko Faust hand-set wood and metal type for the cover and display type in the book at Purgatory Pie Press. Dikko made paste papers for the end sheets. Wonderful book artists and children made books for the 25 projects. Jane Sanders drew the colorful illustrations and made many of the sample books.

Magic Books & Paper Toys
E-Z Pop-Ups and Other Paper Playthings to Amaze and DelightOrder Signed Book (with free gift)
Everyone loves a good book, but what’s better than one you’ve made by hand? And not just any straightforward book, but simple pop-up books, flip books, magic pamphlets, pop-up maps, and accordions! Esther K Smith, author of How to Make Books, unlocks the secrets of making tricky book forms even if you’ve never worked with paper before.

The Paper Bride
Wedding DIY from Pop-the-Question to Tie-the-Knot & Happily Ever After!Order Signed Book
The one-stop guide to making a celebration that’s all about you with ubiquitous, affordable, recyclable paper! Letterpress artist, designer, and once-bride Esther K. Smith inspires you with one-of-a-kind invitations, albums, guest books, and more.
Note: This book is now out-of-print. We have the last few new copies.

The Little book of Book Making
Timeless Techniques and Fresh Ideas for Beautiful Handmade BooksOrder Signed Book
Esther K Smith wrote the foreword and several projects & Purgatory Pie Press's InstaBooks series is featured in the book.